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Beehive Peoples Media is an effort to launch a parallel media in our society. It is an organization engaged in promoting ethical media practices through educating the people about the electronic as well as print and any other media, their rights to information, producing media content and finished goods according to the media ethical guidelines including international best practices, development of media ethics code for Pakistan, training journalists on various issues of public interests, generating major debates on media-related issues in the society, engaging in public policy dialogues on such issues, holding public programs including performances on such issues, and publishing documents on such and other related issues.

The company also arranges and provides facilities for the study of and research into various fields, to establish laboratories, research and development centers to perform such research and development. We also hold conferences, study groups, seminars, training courses and lectures, build and maintain libraries, to exchange information, material, aids, books, magazines and ideas, to publish books, bulletins and journals.

Legal Status

Beehive Peoples Media is a single-member private company established in 2012 but registered with the Security & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) under Companies Ordinance 1984 in 2015.