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In the heat of things, actually in the hottest of summers, Beehive Peoples Media’s team traveled to Mitthi, the desert queendom of the Thar desert, and conducted a weeklong DaesTV workshop with a group of students from Mitthi, Amarkot, and other surrounding towns. The Islamic month of Ramazan had just started. It was scorching hot and the first results were that the entire team, starting from the team leader Imran Shirvanee, fell ill.

The event, hosted on 21st March 2017, was not simply a certificate distribution It is definitely not easy to survive in that weather for Karachi dwellers. But as they say, the show must go on.
Tharparkar Guest House, adjacent to the Mitthi Press Club where the workshop was to be conducted. The Press Club had been more than generous in letting the Beehive use their space for the purpose. Beehive had paid for only the training hall, but the club eventually allowed them to use the main hall too for shooting the teaching assignment talk shows.

The workshop was launched in a simple ceremony with a number of local journalists attending it. A total of 17 participants from various areas were also present.
The workshop kicked off with a discussion on media ethics. Imran Shirvanee explained to the participants why the media freedom is closely linked to the concept of sovereignty.

Courses on production planning, scripting, on-camera and on-mic performing, and news journalism were conducted by Imran Shirvanee. Mir Muhammad Yasin Bandijo discussed the issues that a rights activist and the concept of human rights, while Krishan Sharma was the guest speaker explaining the politics of rights and coverage of such issues on the media.

Courses on production planning, scripting, on-camera and on-mic performing, and The award distribution ceremony was a grand affair with MPA Dr Mahesh Kumar Malani, being the chief guest. Civil society laureate Dr Sono Khangarani, Krishan Sharma, Tharparkar district council’s vice chairman Kanwar Karni Singh Sodho, PPP’s Tharparkar district information secretary Nandlal Malhee, Khatao Jani, and Kamzo Khan Rind also attended. The students produced a number of talk shows on various issues of Thar in a series of programs named Tharnagar. True, the heat of their efforts, outdid the weather.