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Arts Council is a hot spot for Karachi’s youth to demonstrate their talents. This chance was also given to 108 students from 18 undeveloped and poor neighborhoods of Karachi which were trained by a team of veteran journalists and civil rights activists.

The event, hosted on 21st March 2017, was not simply a certificate distribution ceremony. It also displayed selected documentaries, packages and a reminiscence video that reflected on the project’s journey from the start of the workshops where participants were educated about civil rights, ethical media practices and were trained in camera work and editing to where these students managed to cover their areas/community’s main problems and make package and documentary out of it. These students worked with professional cameras, drafted scripts and edited their shot work on their own. Mentors from Beehive supervised their work and helped them line up interviews with important people for their respective issues.

To support and encourage this brave and much needed space for community TV by youth, Beehive had invited prominent social activists and journalists, like Fahim Zaman – Executive Director of the Dawn Group, Karamat Ali – Executive Director of PILER, Anis Haroon – former Chairperson of NCSW and currently at Aurat Foundation, Mehnaz Rehman – resident director of Aurat Foundation, Shahina Ramzan, Fizzah Shakil – anchor person at News 1, along with this project’s resource persons like Abdul Hayee, Afzal Nadeem Dogar to give away certificates to all the participants.

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The Woods
Cinque Terre
Mountains and fjords
Northern Lights
Nature and sunrise
Snowy Mountains
The Woods
The Woods
The Woods
The Woods
Cinque Terre
Mountains and fjords
Northern Lights
Nature and sunrise
Snowy Mountains

All guests hailed the efforts of the organizers and congratulated the students. The stories in documentaries and packages depicted the true picture of the problems faced by the people of Karachi. They hoped that these skills will be used in a conducive manner especially in today’s times where the corporate media is doing little else than spreading hatred and encouraging bigotry. Anis Haroon also reflected on the current dismaying state of mainstream media and said that glamor sure is important but does not take precedence to basic needs like clean water, education, health, etc. It is important for the common person to be dragged out of their alternate realities, constructed by themselves or by others.

Students also expressed their gratitude for the opportunity where they learned a technical skill that will help them bring their communities issues to the front. The apparent confidence boosts witnessed in the students was mentioned by all resource person and mentors. They encouraged the students to not fall for easy ways out but patiently remain committed to the resolution of their problems.

Although all selected documentaries and packages showed excellent work, Rehri Goth’s story of Dil Murad, a young boy who left his studies and pursues fishing with his father to support his family and Sharafi Goth’s story of Anwar Captain, a former footballer who now is a gardener at one such community footballing ground deserve special mention.