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Only the pure pens can produce honest writings. Only what is written from the depths of heart can stir the imagination of the readers. With this in mind, Beehive Peoples Media started its Pen Purity program to promote journalism in writing. Journalism, because the purpose of the media is to promote the truth.

But nowadays even this much is not enough. With the din of content on the internet, not everything that gets published gets noticed. Even well-written stories are only read if they are of interest for the people. So, what is interesting? This too had to be learnt. Slowly and gradually, the children learnt that a good writing is the one that touches its readers’ hearts. And for that it has to exist in the hearts of the readers too. It must address what is important for everyone. What they all know and still is new for them. Words are not enough for the internet writing. The web content also needs to be pictorial. So, the children were also taught how to make their pictures worth watching and how to shoot good quality videos. Finally, with a lot of good work, they all had their stories and blogs ready. Now this material would make it to the pages of FutureToday.pk, the web magazine that the Pen Purity publishes. This would not only teach a new way of life to these children but would also encourage them to speak out about their lives. They would become the proud voice of their community, a voice that can be heard globally.